Vocalist.org archive

From:  MFoxy9795@a...
Date:  Wed Feb 21, 2001  7:30 pm
Subject:  Re: [vocalist] the value of a music degree

In a message dated 02/21/2001 2:23:28 PM Eastern Standard Time,
ibracamonte@y... writes:

Is this true? I had always assumed that the
determining factor was how well one sounds and
auditions, since opera is not a field in which you can
generally be hired on the strength of either your
degree or your resume -- they've got to hear you
first. >>

i do not deny that as a musician you would be judged first and foremost on
how you do on an audition. indeed, it is the criterion that is weighted the
most heavily to get into a conservatory.

however, i could imagine that everything else being equal, the degree could
make the difference, especially in a competitive environment.
