Vocalist.org archive

Date sent: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 13:37:25 EST
Subject: Re: microvascular lesions
To: vocalist
Send reply to: VOCALIST <vocalist>

Hello Judy!

You've come to the right place, because there are several very knowledgeable
physicians on the Vocalist who will be able to provide you with excellent
information and advice.

Meanwhile I will try to explain in layman's terms:

>From what my teacher has told me, this condition is a swelling of the cords
that is not caused by infection (such as laryngitis brought on by a throat
infection) but by some kind of abuse--too much talking, oversinging, singing
when fatigued, whatever--in a nutshell, lack of good vocal hygiene. It's an
injury, almost like a bruise, that can be a precursor to nodes if not allowed
to heal properly. I'm not sure exactly what happens, but if the blood remains
in the tissues it could clot and harden, or the tissues around it could
toughen and form something like a callous that can interfere with the cord's
function. I don't think that it's anything to be alarmed about, because it
should heal on its own with proper care. But it is something to take very
seriously if you don't want to develop vocal problems.

Good luck!
Another Judy