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From:  "Jacqueline/Connie" <jaxsobcon@n...>
"Jacqueline/Connie" <jaxsobcon@n...>
Date:  Thu Feb 8, 2001  9:53 pm
Subject:  Re: teaching young girls

Hi Sarah:
I have several girls between the ages of 10-13
so I know what you mean.
Many of them do want to be Britney or Christina
copies and I discourage it with this argument.
"Why be an ok copy when you can be an
awesome original?"
I explain to them that these singers are not
always taught to sing properly and their
marketability with looks, dancing, and
singing is all part of a money making
If they wish to become the best singer
they can be, then I'll agree to teach them.
If they gravitate toward pop music, that's
fine with me. I still insist on proper
warm ups, a variety of musical styles
to be covered, proper breath management
and clear diction.
I don't encourage nasal or chested "pop"
singing and suggest they listen to someone
like Celine Dion who at least sings well.
I know they are bombarded with all these
teen idol acts and if that's their desire, they
should take hip hop and jazz dance for one
thing. Girls this age do much better one
on one because of their immaturity and
also their insecurities. When we come
together for recitals, it's a nice surprise
for them to meet each other and hear what
others are doing.
Karoake pop teaching, in my opinion, is
not true teaching but rather, just allowing
them to mimic someone else. That has
it's place but is it really preparing them as
a singer?
This is such a difficult subject because there's
so much to think about. Why are they taking
singing? To be able to pull off a pop song
at a talent show, they just enjoy singing or
are they really looking at becoming "famous".
Somehow, you have to encourage them but
at the same time, dole out reality. Every
"wannabe" doesn't become a professional
Good luck with them...you have to be really
upbeat, find things to talk to them about
that they relate to and find a way to get them
to take you seriously enough to actually begin
to learn. Once they see what a different
you can make in their voices, they'll be hooked.
(gifts/costumes/classes & more)
Read my articles at:
Have fun at:
"There's no business like show business"

  Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size
9232 Re: teaching young girls Jacqueline/Connie   Fri  2/9/2001   2 KB
9266 Re: teaching young girls Anne Cronvich   Sat  2/10/2001   2 KB
