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From:  "Cynthia Donnell" <csdonnell@m...>
Date:  Fri Apr 7, 2000  11:18 pm
Subject:  Re: [vocalist-temporary] Bemberg song

I don't have a copy of the song, but an oft overlooked resource for scores is the public library collections in large cities.  As an example, here in Richmond, VA (US) we have an amazing music collection which contains much out of print material not contained in any of the university libraries here in town.   Perhaps a reference librarian in your town or university can do an inter-library loan request for you.
Good luck,
Cindy Donnell
-----Original Message-----

Anyone have a copy of "Les Anges Pleurent" by Bemberg? I have not been able
to locate it, even at Classical Vocal Repertoire.

Thanks in advance!

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