Vocalist.org archive

From:  "Fiona Chow" <fionat@i...>
"Fiona Chow" <fionat@i...>
Date:  Sun Sep 23, 2001  7:38 am
Subject:  Re: [vocalist] HOW to look for a school??! Help!


This is to everyone on the list who has ever been a student or is now a
professor at a university. I've just completed my undergrad. I want to go
to grad school and have been very dilligently researching schools on the
internet, and am asking everyone I know about schools they are familiar

It occurs to me that it's HARD WORK looking for a school! It's difficult to
decide which ones are the ones to apply to, and for financial reasons, I
can't apply to all of them! A whole LOT of schools look good (this is not
in itself a bad thing!). I know I'm not particularly into opera (unless
it's Handel), and I know that the teacher I study with is important.
However, apart from this, I have few criteria and a lot of schools fit the
above. I also live in Vancouver, Canada, but am mostly looking at schools in
the states. Am I missing something? How does one get the "inside scoop" on
a school? It's so hard to tell from a brochure or a website, and I can't
possibly visit every one of them. I want to know, before I sign up for two
years of grad school, that I'm going to the right place, but how to do that?
Is there some natural instinct I'm missing?

Any advice, thoughts, remarks on this process are welcome. Feel free to
also write to me privately about a particular school that you know of that
is GOOD (or maybe ones to avoid....). I appreciate all of your help!

