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From:  Canteclada <canteclada@y...>
Canteclada <canteclada@y...>
Date:  Thu Sep 13, 2001  1:04 pm
Subject:  Re: [vocalist] Off Topic: My sincere and deep feelings to the American People

After expressing sympathy for the people of the United
States, Dale Gillespie <bigtenordale@a...>
States, Dale Gillespie <bigtenordale@a...>

> My sympathies also go out to all the families of all
> the other nationalities of the other people that
> worked in the World Trade Center. I know that there
> were at least 500 Canadians that worked in the WTC,
> and I am sure that there are other nationalities as
> well.

Yes, indeed Dale. I used to give English lessons in
several offices in the first tower: a Japanese
securites firm, two Japanese banks and a Chinese bank.
This was a decade ago, and many of my former students
and their bosses had likely been rotated back to Asia
or other places in the world as others with different
and similiar vitality and dynamism took their places.
Some whom I knew may still have been there. All of
these offices were located high up in the tower, and I
feel sure all who were there at the time are among the
dead. My heart aches for them all, and us all.

Doris Long Thurber

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