Vocalist.org archive

From:  joecool250@b...
Date:  Fri Sep 7, 2001  10:49 pm
Subject:  Re: [vocalist] nasal voice

its more of the ross perot type i suppose it would be called.

--- In vocalist-temporary@y..., > depends on what kind of nasal you are. are you ross perot
type of
> nasal? if you are, it's not the nasal that's bad, it's the
absence of
> anything else. if you're the peter lorre type of nasal, you're
too breathy
> and the air is going out your nose. if you're the rocky balboa
type of
> nasal, you're not really nasal at all. (when i refer to nasal in
> fashion, i refer to sensations you might be having.) so, which
are you?
> mike
