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From:  "Elizabeth Finkler" <mightymezzo@h...>
"Elizabeth Finkler" <mightymezzo@h...>
Date:  Thu May 10, 2001  6:36 pm
Subject:  Rosie's crib sheet?

>From: John Link <johnlink@c...>
>From: John Link <johnlink@c...>
> >One last note: If the sight of a musician working with sheet music
> >you so, you may want to avoid catching Rosemary Clooney in performance.
> >heard her last fall with the San Jose Symphony, and she was using some
> >of "crib sheet" in her set. But she certainly didn't have her nose in
> >paper, and she still has the voice and soul to put that music over!
>I wonder what was on the crib sheet. Lyrics? Notes about a new
>arrangement? Order of tunes?
>John Link

My guess would be either order of tunes or notes on the arrangements she
used with the San Jose Symphony. Or, possibly, notes on her between-song
patter. At any rate, she's in her 70's and still a fine performer, so I
think we could give her a pass on whatever memory aid it was.

BTW, the SJ Symphony harpist (who was in the orchestra for the "Candide" I
was in) tells me that she's wonderful to work with!

Elizabeth Finkler
Sunnyvale, California

"If you must be wrong, be wrong at the top of your voice!" --Lucy Van Pelt

