karaoke music beatles songs professional vocalist backing tracks

karaoke music Beatles songs
~ professional backing tracks ~

RECOMMENDED VERSIONS (professional tracks):
      karaoke music! Beatles songs for Bands ~ , Performers and Novice vocalists who want to learn the individual parts, there's no easier way! Sing along with the full band sound of the instruments and any special effects.

      Karaoke music, fans, grab some some friends and start to sing. You'll have great fun singing with music that sounds like the "Original recordings"!

      Every song track is exactly reproduced note for note. The Freeport Factory have recreated the music like the Beatles actually played it; drum beats, bass parts, keyboards, guitar parts, orchestra, audience sounds, etc., all as close to the original as possible. Not only have they used the same instruments but they've used the same tone and texture as well. All tracks are High Quality CD Grade Audio files in Stereo format.

BEATLES SONGS Professional Backing Tracks List:

Accurate Beatles Tabs A collection of genuine Beatles Songs sheet music for piano, voice and guitar.