Vocalist.org archive

From: "N.H.M.V."
To: VOCALIST <vocalist>
Subject: New to the list
Send reply to: VOCALIST <vocalist>

Hi all...
I'm brand new to the list. I do love singing a lot, but am a true amateur. The only
'formal' vocal training I've had is choral training from elementary school through high
school (and not every year I was in school). I'm in my early 30s, and the only singing I
really get to do is in the shower and in the car... and occasionally quietly in a store or
restaurant if a really good song is playing. ;-) (we all admit it, don't we??) I've been
encouraged by a couple of friends to pursue vocal training... not because my voice is bad,
mind you! They know that I do love to sing, and wouldn't mind starting to learn how to treat
my voice RIGHT (Celine Dion is one of my fave singers, and most folks know what happened to
her voice at one point in her career). In the back of my mind, I think that maybe... just
maybe... I could do something in the way of backing vocals someday? (I LOVE
doing harmonies.. I can generally pick them right out of a song... they're more fun than the
melodies!) I don't know where to start. I don't know who is who in the way of vocal
training in my area (Balt/Wash DC area), or whether I should pursue it. I've been so shy
about pursuing this because I'm too afraid that most coaches would turn up their noses
because I'm not quite making "professional" a goal .... yet (maybe someday?). Does anyone
have any thoughts or ideas that you can provide?

Thanks bunches..

From a newbie..
