Vocalist.org archive

Date:  Sat Apr 15, 2000  8:27 pm
Subject:  Re: [vocalist-temporary] Question about affirmations

CR wrote:

>>Aren't you trying to turn everything into psychology? This is no Matrix. Not
even Budha denied the existence of pain, so instead of mentalizing Nirvana
he prescribed ways to get there through self-transformation, that is, hard
work. Regarding your larynx, it seems to me you have to develop control over
it ( and so do I ) which depends on having the nerves in the laryngeal area
'addressed' by the brain. You need a good voice pathologist, not a self-help
book. Beware of pop culture. Counter-culture is big business nowadays.

I am not trying to do anything except offer my personal insight and experience
on the use of affirmations, just in case someone else might find that useful.
I have found in almost 60 years of living that much of singing well IS psy-
chology. I don't deny the existence of pain; I've had my share, and lived to
tell the tale. I try not to be an either/or person as much as a both/and
person. Just because I may find alternative healing methods beneficial does
not mean I want to give up traditional medical care. I want to use them in
tandem. Likewise, just because I use affirmations to help condition my mind
about singing does not mean I stop trying to learn how the mechanism works
and gain control over my use of it. It is not for you or anyone else to say
what I need. I am the only one who can truly know that. Regarding the use
of affirmations, I cannot promise they will work for others in the same way
they have worked for me. I only share my experience and invite others to try
the method for themselves. It costs nothing and may prove valuable. If not,
they will have learned something anyway.

|\ Dr. Diane M. Clark, Assoc. Prof./Chair of Music Dept., Rhodes College
| 2000 N. Parkway, Memphis, TN 38112, 901-843-3782, dclark@r...
() http://gray.music.rhodes.edu/musichtmls/faculty/dclark.html
