Vocalist.org archive

Date:  Fri Aug 11, 2000  4:14 pm
Subject:  Re: [vocalist-temporary] "natural" singer-actors

Lloyd wrote:

>>There is no way for anyone in the audience, knowledgeable or not to
know if the actor's performance displays skill or not or if there is
commitment or not.

I agree with Lloyd 100%. It is not possible for us to get inside anyone
else's mind. As an audience member (or acting teacher), we can describe what
we see and what we feel as a result of what we see. It becomes up to the
actor to decide whether he/she wants to change anything about his performance
in order to try to get a different result.

|\ Dr. Diane M. Clark, Assoc. Prof./Chair of Music Dept., Rhodes College
| 2000 N. Parkway, Memphis, TN 38112, 901-843-3782, dclark@r...
() http://gray.music.rhodes.edu/musichtmls/faculty/dclark.html
