Vocalist.org archive

From:  Greypins@a...
Date:  Fri Nov 29, 2002  5:06 am
Subject:  that 'ear thing' for stutterers

here's what i don't understand: if the sound of one's voice is the result
of the action that produces that sound, how does this device work? i remember
hearing an interview with one of the guys who developed the device and i think
he said they got the idea from observing stutterers saying group prayers in
church. his explaination, if i'm remembering correctly, seemed to credit
either a sense of 'following along with' or some kind of simultaneity. but, if
the stutterer is using his own voice, through the help of the ear piece, the
sound is neither ahead of the stutterer nor, simultaneous.

obviously, the device works but, i don't think for the reason the
developers of the device, think. i'm guessing it is more psychological, in
that, when given a different perspective on ourselves, we often find a solution
to a problem we hadn't found before. it is probably very similar to using a
monitor onstage or, practicing stage movements in front of a mirror or on video.

