Vocalist.org archive

From:  Clark_Diane <DCLARK@r...>
Date:  Tue Sep 17, 2002  2:20 pm
Subject:  RE: [vocalist]Non vibrato?

Reg wrote:

> Not to be last in the queue to suggest a.. "how", may I offer as my home spun
method, she blow into a small plastic tube of about 10mm...sorry about the
Metric... and feel what it does to her abdomen and the waist line extending
around the back.
> If this gives her some sensation that she can apply when attempting to
> vocalise, then perhaps she may have banished her wobble.

Your method is not as homespun as you may think! In one of the most recent
issues of the NATS Jounral of Singing, there was the SECOND article about the
benefits of using an ordinary drinking straw to practice good phonation. (Can't
find my copy -- can anyone help with this reference?) This is one of my
favorite teaching tools, in private lessons, choruses and speech class. It
helps them understand support like nothing else I know of.
