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From:  "Caio Rossi" <rossicaio@h...>
Date:  Mon Sep 16, 2002  4:00 am
Subject:  Fw: [vocalist] OFF: NON-AMERICAN REALITY SHOCK: WAS: In Memoriam 9/11

Mike:>what else do you say to countries that act like spoiled teenagers who
hate their parents because they won't let them take drugs?<

Again: The Osbourne children are spoiled teenagers. The pro-UN European
nations have an AGENDA: global governance (or, as Michael Eckford prefers to
say, "Global Federalism", state interventionism, international tribunal,
Tobin's tariff, the Kyoto Protocol (a way to "distribute" richness in the
world by forcing American companies to invest their money where it's not
worth it due to over-taxation and other disadvantages), etc.

To make my life easier, I'm quoting parts of three articles by a Brazilian
philosopher (www.olavodecarvalho.org)


"There is no unipolar world . There is, on one side, the US-Israel alliance
and, on the other, the block of the leftist globalism, entrenched in the UN.
In a military sense, the bastions of the last are China--involved in growing
nuclear preparation on the scale of global war--, Russia (that, under the
cover, never ceased helping terrorists in the whole world), some Arab
countries strongly armed and, last but not least, the worldwide net of
narco-terrorist organizations; economically, the European Economic
Community, without whose support Arafat's thrusts against Israel would have
already ceased for lack of fuel; and in the political and publicity fields,
the grand international leftist media (including the main American
newspapers), that crucifies George W. Bush daily."

More on that war between "conservative-capitalism" ( that is, the US) and
socialist globalism ( that is, the UN):


"The IMF and the New World Order are chapters in the history of an
overwhelming centralization that sacrifices all in the altar of bureaucratic
control and planned economy, idols a thousand times denounced, whose
mystical powers the socialist propaganda promises will heal all maladies. Of
the first, its own inventor, Lord Keynes, said it was "essentially a
socialist conception". As to the second, it was from beginning to end the
creation of the famous Londoner "think tank" of gradualist socialism that,
after passing through several denominations, ended up becoming notorious as
the Fabian Society. It was one of its most illustrious members, the writer
H. G. Wells, who delineated, in 1928, the entire program of the New World
Order and published it in his book "Open Conspiracy".
"Open" is poetic license. So is "conspiracy". The Fabian socialism never got
involved in attacks, gatherings, or manifestations, much less in basement
conspiracies. All it did was to prepare intellectuals to be placed in
high-level assessorial positions from which they could, discreetly but
without any secrecy, inoculate socialist ideas inside the minds of
government leaders. This scheme was invented by the theoretician Graham
Wallas, who, five decades in advance, formulated the Gramscian strategy of
the "occupation of spaces" and of "passive revolution" (and to think that
Gramsci even poses as a genius!). The magnitude of the effects of this
things contrasts singularly with the circumspection of the means.
Practically all the great turns of modern economy towards the centralizing
and socializing trends of the welfare State were planned by Fabian
socialists. Just to give you an idea of the reach of their influence, the
government plans from three of the most powerful - and the most
state-centralizing - among the presidents of the USA, Roosevelt, Kennedy,
and Johnson, were directly copied from works of Fabian authors, and even
adopted their titles: Roosevelt's "New Deal" comes from a Stuart Chase book,
Kennedy's "New Frontier" from a book by Henry Wallace, and Johnson's "Great
Society" from a book by Graham Wallas himself.
Regardless of their soft style, rather social-democratic than communist, the
Fabian always considered the URSS a valued ally in their fight against
conservative-capitalism. Deep down, it was much more than this: deserters
from KGB informed that at least one of the books by Sidney Webb, the most
famous president of the Fabian Society, was not written by him, but came
already written from the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Relations. It is
understandable. Much earlier than Gramsci, the URSS had also discovered the
virtues of reformist gradualism that, from above and without hardness,
socializes the world faster than thousands of Che Guevaras could - these
being the authentic scapegoats of the only socialism that always ends
The supreme advantage of the discreet method is that, when the ingenious
state-centralizing plans from unknown socialist intellectuals from the
people at last weigh heavily in the pockets of the masses with the
immeasurable cost of their foolishness, there always are in the market
radical left intellectuals who, ignoring or pretending to ignore all the
work of their Fabian partners, lay all the blame of the disaster on...
conservative capitalism!
Let not thy left hand see what thy right hand does, teaches the Bible.
Socialism has its own demoniacal version of this teaching: let not thy noisy
masses see what thy silent allies do - and thus, not knowing who oppresses
them, they will detonate their fury on the scapegoat that is most convenient
to the strategy."


"While center-stage in Brazil features a procession of professional liars
and amateur idiots alerting against George W. Bush's "paranoia," as if the
September attacks were delirious images dreamed up by the right to justify
the mistreatment of defenseless leftists, the analyses of people studying
the affairs are kept far from society, in turn unable to understand the
events that will shape their lives, in possibly tragic ways, in the coming
One of specialists is Colonel Stanislav Lunev, a name completely unknown in
this part of the world. A former member of Russia's Army administration, he
is the highest ranking spy to desert the Soviet military, the GRU, in
history. Today he is a security consultant for the U.S. government.
At the beginning of the 1990s, he alerted the CIA that Russia, while
dismantling the socialist economic system, still maintained its so-called
"special organs" intact - especially the GRU - and that these would continue
to develop meticulous plans to wage war against the U.S. He noted that "this
war could begin with a diversionary operation, some type of terrorist
Today, following the attacks, he says: "I have no doubt that Russia is
behind these terrorist groups, financing them and supplying them." It's true
that Moscow has declared its solidarity with the U.S., but it also did so
during the Gulf War, even while sending technicians and equipment to aid
Saddam Hussein. If not for a secret Russian alliance with the Afghanis, how
could one explain that this nation, after losing 1 million of its people in
combat with Soviet troops and surviving only thanks to American support,
could forget its animosity against the aggressor and turn blind rage against
the benefactor?
More importantly, Afghani military commander Gulbaddin Hekmatiyar has always
been involved in the Soviet incentive scheme and taken advantage of
international drug trafficking, as told to American authorities in 1968 by
General Jan Sejna, who abandoned his post as spokesman for the party's
Central Committee in the Czech Ministry of Defense. Sejna provided direct
testimony to the deals between Soviets and Chinese, since the 1950s, for
flooding the U.S. with cocaine and using drugs to finance the Communist
revolution in Latin America, which is today in control of Colombia.(Caio: in
a more recent article, he gives this bibliographic reference on Jan Sejna:
Red Cocaine (London, 2000), by Joseph D. Douglass, who interviewd him.) In
light of this, Colonel Lunev warns that now the escalation of anti-American
violence has barely begun and only an energetic and determined response can
stop the plans for full-blown war, as stated Ulema-i-Afghanistan, the
assembly of Afghani religious leaders, who urge nothing less than the "total
elimination of American through force." This assembly has no authority to
declare a jihad for all Muslims, as it is doing, because that declaration
can only be approved by an umma, an international community of educated
Muslims, according to Koranic law, and the majority of these leaders are
staunchly against a war of extermination. But, as I describe below,
so-called "Islamic fundamentalists" are stomping on the fundamentals of
Islam: their ideology is not that of Islam, it's rather a type of "theology
of liberation," an abusive and macabre politicization of the Koran's
message. For this reason, they have no scruples in allying with the
assassins of their fellow followers against the one country that, in a
moment of agony, extended a saving hand to Muslim fighters."

  Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date  
20148 Fw: [vocalist] OFF: NON-AMERICAN REALITY SHOCK: WAS: In Memoriam 9/1Caio Rossi   Mon  9/16/2002  
20149 Re: Fw: [vocalist] OFF: NON-AMERICAN REALITY SHOCK: WAS: In MemoriamGreypins@a... greypins Mon  9/16/2002  
