Vocalist.org archive

From:  john schweinfurth <voicemd@e...>
Date:  Wed May 31, 2000  2:25 pm
Subject:  Re: [vocalist-temporary] a question for dr john schweinfurth and others

On Tue, 30 May 2000 23:50:20 -0600, vocalist-temporary@egroups.com wrote:

> I have just started having hypertension with Lower BP numbers quite high,
> 115 now down to 95 on Cozaar. My doc is talking about diuretics
> and this concerns me. I have to drink over a gallon of water a day, here
> the desert, to have notes above high A, like Bflat, C and D flat. I am a
> lyric tenor, 37 y/o. What are the possible downsides to the voice when on
> takes diuretics. Will my cords be less moist/hydrated ?

> Saint James

A diastolic BP of 95 in a 37 year old is pretty unusual. Have you been
fully tested for the various causes of hypertension such a adrenal tumors,
renal artery stenosis, pituitary tumors, etc?

You're right about the diuretics. Usually, they are only used in 'essential
hypertension' but much less commonly nowadays because of the availability of
better drugs. If you haven't seen a cardiologist, you may want to do that.

As a laryngologist, I am not an expert in hypertension so I urge you to get
more opinions.

John M. Schweinfurth, MD
Laryngology and Professional Voice Care
Assistant Professor
Penn State University Medical Center
Hershey, PA
(717) 531-6822

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