Vocalist.org archive

From:  Greypins@a...
Date:  Sat Feb 2, 2002  4:32 am
Subject:  Re: [vocalist] menopause

In a message dated 2/1/2002 11:15:43 PM Eastern Standard Time,
ODivaTina@a... writes:

> I hear her as
> very heavy mechanism based, to the point of using what I call "raw chest"
> in
> the lower ranges, with no light mechanism mixed in.

i don't remember horne doing what i call the 'reverse yodel' but, most
of the stuff i have heard her in has been fairly high. i think the
heaviness you hear in her voice is a matter of resonance not her using chest
voice. if she were a 'reverse yodler', she would be more likely to fit into
the mold of someone who uses light mechanism like catsup, putting it
everywhere except, on the very lowest notes.

i have never heard von stade doing the 'reverse yodel' (and, i have
heard her singing fairly low stuff ) so, that would seem to indicate that she
makes a transition to the heavier mechanism higher than those who do that
'slam thing' on the bottom. barry manilow sings in heavy mechanism but, his
voice is anything but that which we would call heavy.

all voices are a combination of the signal generated by the vocal
folds (as actuated by air) and a resonator, the vocal tract (and, i suppose
we could include the room one is singing in, too). i think the confusion
starts when we fail to consider the effect of the two components on the
sound, seperately.

