Vocalist.org archive

From:  lolipastor@a...
Date:  Sat Jan 19, 2002  11:12 pm
Subject:  Re: [vocalist] image

"Just don't forget one thing: you'll have to go to bed with those impresarios
and directors before, and they tend to look like Pavarotti and Cabalet. Are
you sure you're willing to do ANYTHING for a successful, profitable career?"

Oh, Caio...

That's not what I mean... but are you serious? Just because I look the way I
look (my nickname is Barbie) I'm going to have to sleep my way to the top?
>>she says in her most innocent, coy manner<< Nah, I'll keep practicing.

The big temptation is, however, to just go into musical theatre. I figure I
could ride my looks a lot more easily there. I've already got a voice and
the dancing that will get me jobs. It's so tempting to just give up the
whole dream of singing opera. But it's kind of like this: one of my best
friends is a part-time model. If she wanted to, she could be a very high
paid model anywhere in the world. However, she is also a pianist, and her
love is really in coaching. SO, she has resisted the temptation to take the
easy route. She figures that if she makes a million dollars as a model, she
will be disappointed in her life because she has not earned any of that
herself. She can't help the way she looks -- she was born that way. She
would rather sit at a piano bench 8 hours a day and earn every cent and every
honor that comes her way. This girl really is something.


