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From:  GWendel Yee <gwyee@r...>
Date:  Wed Jan 2, 2002  3:50 am
Subject:  Re: [vocalist] Regarding the Am I a tenor or bass-baritone question

At 06:23 PM 1/1/02 EST, Greypins@a... wrote:
> i believe that most singers are capable of singing more than they think
>they can. anybody with a good technique can usually vocalize a wider range
>than they would ever use (practically speaking, most music doesn't use more
>than a 12th). so, the most apparently prohibitive element in 'singing
>whatever you want' might not be the obstacle many assume it is. (i should
>add that extending one's range on the high end is far more doable than
>extending it on the lower end so, some people are just plain screwed in that

I agree largely with what you have written here, mike, and with the rest as
well. However, there is also the issue of timbre/colour. When listening to
an oratorio such as "Die Schopfung", even though the tenor and baritone
overlap in tessitura, it's easy to pick out who's who. A baritone's middle
C sounds very different from a tenor's middle C. I know baritones who have
higher notes than some tenors; and some tenors who have better low notes
than some baritones; but when they sing, it's seems pretty clear as to who's
what. So the differences appears to me to be more than range and tessitura
comfort. Isn't this a pretty important question for students and singing
teachers? Students may come to them with layers of other stuff covering up
their true voices?

GWendel, dT
