Vocalist.org archive

From:  John Link <johnlink@n...>
John Link <johnlink@n...>
Date:  Sun Jul 29, 2001  10:20 pm
Subject:  Re: [vocalist] Why is this so hard?

Rachel Parker wrote:

>I'm working on Caccini's "Ave Maria" for a recital Aug 10th. The
>first note of the song is a lovely, naked "ah" right smack in the
>middle of my passaggio (C4), which I hold for four beats. Try as I
>might, I simply cannot get rid of my breathy attack. I've tried
>every technical approach I know of (making sure the vowel is
>vertical, plenty of lift in the palate, relaxed jaw and tongue,
>practicing with a consonant in front of the vowel, etc., etc.), as
>well as all my "Inner Game of Music" tricks. Nothing works!

Here's something different to try: Instead of doing what you can to
_eliminate the breathy attack, do whatever you can to _enhance it.
Make the attack breathier. Do this on C4 as well as other notes
nearby and also far away, and do it with "ah" as well as other
vowels. Once you've become an expert on breathy attack, stop it, and
just sing, with no attempt to control your sound except to imagine
the vowel, the pitch, and the intensity.

Please let us know of your progress using my suggestion as well as
the others you've received.

Good luck,
John Link

"If you know what you are doing you can do what you want."
-Moshe Feldenkrais

