Vocalist.org archive

From:  leskayc@a...
Date:  Tue Apr 24, 2001  11:06 pm
Subject:  Re: [vocalist] [PED] the Cystolaryngial Reflex?

In a message dated 4/22/01 3:09:24 PM Central Daylight Time,
gwyee@r... writes:
gwyee@r... writes:

> I tend to try to keep myself very well hydrated,
> but this has its usual urologic consequences. I find that the weight of my
> voice is directly proportional to the weight of my (ahem...) bladder, even

Good Lord, one of the biggest pains of my life is that when I am hydrated
well enough that my voice is happy my bladder feels close to rupture. I know
every bathroom in this and the neighboring town. While I haven't been as
observant as you have about what the exact effects on my voice are, it really
bothers me that I have to pay attention to controlling my bladder as well as
my breath. Is there not some happy medium here? My doctors at the
Vanderbilt Voice Center advised me to drink 55-60 ounces of water a day, but
sheesh, if I have anywhere to go.......................

