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To: vocalist
Subject: Fairy-tale art songs
Date sent: Mon, 24 Jan 2000 17:14:11 PST
Send reply to: VOCALIST <vocalist>

One of my art-song collections contains "The Sleeping Princess" by Borodin.
Gentle, and as disturbing as anything penned by the Grimm brothers.

And... thanks to John Coltraine, you just might find "Someday My Prince Will
Come" in some jazz collections.

Elizabeth Finkler

Forget about openly "educational" programming like "The Magic Schoolbus" and
"Schoolhouse Rock." What these shows tell children about, say, the human
body or using conjunctions properly can be picked up easily enough
elsewhere, whether on a playground or in a public library.
Consider instead the singular wisdom learned from animated sages like Bugs
Bunny. The irrepressible, Oscar-winning rabbit and his cartoon cohorts have
taught millions of American children precisely the sort of powerful,
subversive truths from which adults try to shield them: that smart-alecks
have more fun; that mocking authority is often the right thing to do; that
tortoises beat hares (especially when tortoises cheat); that the world is
often a cruel and desperate place that would just as soon drop an anvil on
your head as give you a hand up; and, most important of all, that a sense of
humor and resilience is the only way to make it through the years to come.
---Nick Gillespie
