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From: john schweinfurth
To: VOCALIST <vocalist>
Subject: Re: Abs Workout
Send reply to: VOCALIST <vocalist>

On Fri, 14 Jan 2000 22:21:43 -0400 (AST), VOCALIST wrote:

> We place way too much emphasis on ab exercises in workouts, thinking that
> working out those muscles as much as possible will help keep the stomach
> flat. If your belly is jelly, then situps really won't do much. That's
> weight-loss issue, pure and simple. You could turn the abs into iron,
> behind your belly, and it won't make much nevermind.


You are absolutely right. Abdominal girth is a matter of body fat, and has
nothing to do with muscle conditioning. You can train abs religously, but
if you don't lose weight you'll never see the muscle. Spot training -
working the muscle under the fat in an effort to get rid of the fat -
doesn't work!

> Your abs are there for stabilizing- try some plank poses for example- and
> just plain protecting your innards! And they also have a fair bit to do
> with singing, but QED you don't need to do a hundred situps a day to
> sing.

Exactly. As I mentioned in my response to Paul's original question, the
abdominals are an important balance to the lower back and posture.

My doctor advised, some years ago, I stay away from crunches because my abs
> were getting short from too many crunches, and it caused me to slouch.
> So, often, I replace the ab exercises with something else, or do lots of
> yoga to help me remember to be tall.
Laura McBurnie, Soprano

I think that is totally bogus. Let's see the research! I don't see too many
slouching gymnasts because their abdominals are too strong! The shortening
of a muscle is related to the active contraction phase only - the length of
a muscle fiber is not permanently shortened by training. The width is
slightly altered.

The only negative effect you would encounter from abdominal training is
over-training and injury.

John M. Schweinfurth, MD
Laryngology and Professional Voice Care
Assistant Professor
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN
(615) 322-6180

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