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To: "VOCALIST" <vocalist>
Subject: Re: Singer with Hiatal Hernia
Date sent: Mon, 20 Dec 1999 14:35:29 -0500
Send reply to: VOCALIST <vocalist>

Dear Dr. Schweinfurth:

Thank you as always for your reply. I've passed it on to my friend. I'm
wondering what your opinion is on why so many singers seem to have reflux. I
have read that one reason (besides obesity and late-night or unhealthful
eating and stress) might be that some singers experience increased pressure
on the diaphragm. If that's true, is there something in how we are
supporting that we can change to lessen the pressure? I hope I'm asking
this clearly. Last night at our Christmas cantata performance, three
professional singers in the choir were recovering from bouts of reflux. In
the audience was another opera singer who had just had to drop out of Amahl
and the Night Visitors due to a severe bout. I'm starting to wonder if it's
catching. (Just kidding!)

Thank you,


----- Original Message -----
From: "john schweinfurth"

She should not consider surgery until she has had MAXIMAL medical therapy.
Among the things she should consider, priolosec or prevacid for a minimum of
6 weeks, dietary changes (no sugars or simple starches, no fried or fatty
foods, no caffeine, chocolate, or alcohol, etc.) no eating within 3 hours of
bedtime, raise the head of the bed up on blocks or phone books (if she lives
in a large city), drinking >64 oz water a day.