Vocalist.org archive

To: "'VOCALIST'" <vocalist>
Subject: RE: singer's formant (that pinging thing)
Date sent: Wed, 9 Feb 2000 12:19:30 +0100
Send reply to: VOCALIST <vocalist>

Dear Lloyd,

I found your post on the singers formant most interesting.

If the critical area is 'just below the pharynx', why do many schools of
singing encourage the presence of this formant by placing the voice in the
mask? Is this in some way related to the view that 'i' is a high-formant
vowel? Or am I asking the wrong questions altogether.

Happy Singing (and teaching)

Regards / vriendelijke groeten

Laurie Kubiak
Commercial Analyst - Europe & Africa SMMS
Sales and Contract Support, Shell Services International
Shell Centre, London SE1 7NA
Telephone: +44 171 934 3853; Fax: +44 171 934 6674
Mobile: 07771 971 921: E.mail: Laurence.l.Kubiak-at-is.shell.com
Office: LON-SC 631